Get your drone license training for free in Ohio with TechCred!
Technology is constantly changing the nature of work, and nowadays even more so in non-technology-focused industries. Drone technology is one of those technologies, as it is disrupting established industries like surveying, construction, real estate, land development, asset management, telecommunications, and is being used as a new tool in disaster response, police, firefighting, agriculture, forestry, wildlife management, insurance, media, and many others. You can read about the current state of the Drone Industry and its development in this 2021 Drone Market Report Snapshot.
Why are these industries using drones?
Drones made aerial videography and photography more affordable to use in TV, Film, marketing, and advertising.
Drone technology enables more efficient operations through cost-cutting, project transparency, and site visualization for improved communication.
Drones improve the safety aspect of operations: for example, not having to have people climb facades of the buildings, cranes, or cell phone towers as much, and assess the crime or a disaster scene for response planning without putting first responders in danger – this can be achieved with a drone!
Drones can also uncover new value for businesses when they find a way to use a drone in innovative ways: for example, in forestry, it is a new way to assess the health of a forest/vegetation area – you can even count the trees when the collected visual data is processed through photogrammetry software! In package delivery, drones may solve last-mile delivery challenges and can access remote or dangerous locations. And there are many more use cases to come as the drone industry is experimenting and implementing them in their workflows!
So, is your business ready to embrace this new technology to stay competitive and realize potential benefits? Is your workforce ready to use these new tools?
Investing capital and people resources into learning and implementing new technology at a workplace can be costly, however, not investing can cost a business more (or even put them out of business) if it doesn't embrace a technology that is being rapidly implemented in their industry.
The good news is that in Ohio the state government is committed to helping local workers and employers to get the new technical skills they need in order to stay competitive in this technology-driven reality. The state of Ohio has established the TechCred program that helps Ohioans learn new skills and help employers build a stronger workforce with the skills in a tech-infused economy by reimbursing them for the training.
TechCred is a program for Ohio employers that have identified new technology skills needed for employees, and if that technical skill is on the approved TechCred ‘credential’ list, they can nominate employees to go through the training to learn this skill. Once the employee is enrolled in a listed technology ‘credential’ short-term course with a credential provider they can either earn a technology certificate through taking the course or pass a standardized test with a certification after completing the course. After the employee has ‘earned’ the credential, the employer will get reimbursed for the cost of the employee training in the course.
And yes, drone skills are on that 'credential' list as FAA Drone Technology UAS! So, if you think your employer can benefit from you learning drone skills and getting trained to become a certified drone pilot by taking and passing the FAA Part 107 Drone Pilot License Test (you can read more about this license in our Drone Pilot License blog post), you should bring this program to their attention and encourage them to apply on your behalf!
How much does it cost to earn the Drone Pilot License? Through TechCred you would have to take a course that would run $499-$1000 (the cost of this course can get reimbursed to the employer by the TechCred program), plus the cost of the test itself, which is currently $175 (you have to pay it every time you take it, so it is worth to take a course and study to ensure passing the test).
Once you earn your commercial drone pilot license your value to the employer may increase and you can even use this credential to help with finding employment in the future.
Or, if you are an employer (manager) in an industry that is rapidly embracing drone technology (watch our Drones for Business Information Webinar - video below - to learn more about drone uses in various industries), you can identify employees who would be a good fit to earn their drone pilot license and enroll them in an appropriate course that gets them ready to fly drones and pass the FAA Part 107 Drone Pilot License Test.
Drone Applications For Businesses - Pre-recorded Informational Webinar
V1DroneMedia’s Chief Pilot Jason Damman (you can read his bio on the About page) has been teaching first responders to fly drones in the Cleveland area for the last 4 years and recently started teaching the same course at the Lorain County Community College, which is on the credential list as the FAA Drone Technology UAS credential provider through TechCred. Check out our Drone Training and Events page for the upcoming training to enroll yourself or your employees, sign-up for e-mail notifications about classes, and check out our TechCred page to learn what courses we provide through the Ohio TechCred program to get acquainted with how it works and to get started with your application to get reimbursed!
Where you can get trained to fly drones in Cleveland, Ohio
V1DroneMedia gets frequent questions and inquiries about getting certified to fly drones or learning how to fly them proficiently. We’ve also met quite a few people who fly drones illegally around Cleveland (aka without FAA Part 107 Drone License), or not flying them in compliance with the FAA Drone Regulations.
We know that demand for consumer and commercial drones is soaring, as is the drone use in many industries, but few people know where to turn for credible information and training. So, we’ve put together this guide on available Drone Training in Cleveland, Ohio.
There are several options in the Cleveland area for drone training, both in-person and hands-on drone flight training, available for those interested to learn to fly drones proficiently, getting their drone FAA Part 107 certification that enables them to fly commercially, and learning about innovative drone technology applications in various industries.
Accredited degree programs in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones) in Cleveland, Ohio
If you are looking for a traditional undergraduate program, Kent State University is known for its aviation programs, and it offers an undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics with the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Flight Operations concentration. Kent State also offers an Unmanned Aircraft Systems Minor for those enrolled in its undergraduate program.
However, you don’t need to get a degree in drones to fly drones (especially if you already have a degree and are just looking to get your drone license). Flying drones is a skill that can be learned if you invest some time into learning to fly while studying the FAA rules and regulations so you are doing it safely and responsibly, and then schedule and pass the Part 107 Drone License Test (see our blog post Drone Pilot License for more details on that). There are several drone training options in the Cleveland area as well if you are looking for an in-person class where you can acquire drone skills.
Non-degree Drone Training Courses in Cleveland, Ohio
There are several in-person training options for the Part 107 drone license in the Cleveland, Ohio, area.
Kent State has a UAV Training and Part 107 Testing course that does just that. It is scheduled throughout the year and doesn’t appear to always be available, so you must keep an eye out when it opens up.
Cuyahoga County Community College (Tri-C) offers FAA Part 107 drone training for law enforcement and other first responders at its Drone Academy, also offered throughout the year, where our Chief Pilot Jason Damman is the lead instructor on the FAA Part 107 Rules and Regulations and National Airspace.
V1DroneMedia also offers a variety of Drone Training Courses in the Cleveland area, with in-person courses offered through a partnership with Lorain County Community College, and custom-scheduled courses for organizations and individuals. V1DroneMedia also offers educational content through video resources on our Resources page and YouTube channel Drone Education playlist. Our Chief Pilot and Drone Instructor, Jason Damman, is a Certified Flight Instructor with an extensive commercial airline, flight, and drone training, and drone flying background (see About to learn more).
For starters, if you are curious about what you can do with a drone, watch our Free Drone Business Information Webinar outlining major drone use cases, industries that use them, and opportunities for growth in this field.
If you are ready to learn more about what it takes to get started in this field, schedule with us an Introduction to Drones Class geared toward drone hobbyists or aspiring commercial drone pilots. Or, if you are more serious and ready to try out a career in the field, take the Part 107 Drone Certificate Prep Course preparing anyone to take the Part 107 Test to earn a commercial drone pilot license.
V1DroneMedia Drone License Prep Class is a 2-day in-person class that takes place in a classroom. It covers everything one needs to learn to pass the FAA Part 107 test, including practice tests, access to class materials and additional resources, in-person connection with the instructor, and a private Facebook group community to stay in touch with the class participants and the instructor. The Part 107 Prep Class costs $499 (the fee does not include the test fee payable to one of the FAA-authorized testing centers where you schedule to take your test).
The benefit of taking the in-person class is that the instructor has simplified the complex and lengthy aviation lingo-heavy Part 107 study guide into easy-to-understand digestible content. This class has been taught before to many Cleveland-area students who successfully passed the Part 107 Test.
V1DroneMedia is also available to teach its custom FAA Part 107 Drone License training courses based on the curriculum we developed, can conduct group or 1:1 Flight Training sessions, and provide consultations on all drone-related matters, including setting up an internal Drone Operations Program for a business that is looking to build one.
We recently also started offering individual and small group Drone Operations Classes and Hands-On Drone Flight Training sessions geared toward those who want to get started flying their drones with professional guidance or learn advanced flight skills.
If you are thinking about getting trained, but are not sure when you will be able to do it, Sign Up for an e-mail notification list to stay informed about V1DRoneMedia classes as they get scheduled
Online Drone Training
If you are good at following a self-paced YouTube, or another online course tool, there are many options out there. Google them, and you will find many, but it may take some time for you to make a decision on the one that’s right for you.
However, if you decide to go in this direction, you will still have to study the materials and take the test. The upside here can be lower cost (although not always), but the downside is that more often than none there isn’t any person to ask any questions for more information and clarification, and many of those programs can be very dense and full of aviation lingo (that we strip out in our courses, which give you only the essentials you need to know to fly and pass the test). We have had students in our in-person classes who have taken online courses and ended up coming to our class because the online course they took was very confusing. Of course, you are free to choose which learning mode best suits your needs.
You can also access official FAA Study materials on the FAA website (very comprehensive, but hard to digest if you are a non-aviator).
What about the FAA Trust Test?
FAA recently released a mandatory Trust Test (The Recreational UAS Safety Test) for recreational drone pilots (hobbyists). It is much more basic than the FAA Part 107 Drone License Test, and most of the information is laid out by the online accredited testing centers (you can learn more about Trust Test in our Trust Test blog post and YouTube video on this topic).
So if you are ready to embark on your drone hobby or a career, check out the Drone Classes we offer, Sign up for class notifications, and Contact Us if you are interested in a consultation or a custom class.
FAA Trust Test for Drone Pilots Explained
There has been no requirement for recreational (or hobbyists, who solely fly for fun) to take any type of knowledge test to fly in the national airspace. Up until now, that is, with the FAA releasing a mandatory TRUST test for recreational drone flyers.
According to the FAA's website, there are roughly 871,000 drones now registered in the United States with over half of them being registered for recreational use, with many of those folks not investing any time in learning about FAA rules and regulations about safe drone flying.
So, we've put together a quick guideline on the newly released Aeronautical Knowledge and Safety Test for recreational drone flyers, known as the FAA Trust Test (The Recreational UAS Safety Test). If you are better at learning through videos, you can also watch our YouTube video on this topic!
What is FAA Trust Test for Drone Flyers?
With all these drones now sharing the same airspace as manned aircraft, the FAA has released a mandatory knowledge test every recreational pilot legally needs to complete – The TRUST knowledge test (The Recreational UAS Safety Test), which provides essential information for anyone operating a drone so that they know how to safely and legally fly within the national airspace. As a side note – this also applies to model aircraft pilots, in general – NOT JUST DRONE PILOTS!
Who should take the FAA TRUST Test?
The FAA says that "anyone who operates their drone for fun or personal enjoyment purposes only." So, even if you already have a Part 107 certificate, you should still take the TRUST test if you plan to operate your drone recreationally or 'for fun.'
How hard is the Trust Test? Is it similar to the FAA Part 107 Drone License Test?
The TRUST test is very basic in comparison to what Part 107 drone pilots must know, and some of the items that recreational pilots will learn about and be tested on include: preflight inspections, aircraft registration, airspace classifications, TFR's (temporary flight restrictions), how to get airspace authorizations to fly in controlled airspace, among others.
How do I study for the Trust Test?
You can read through all the information you are tested on prior to taking the test through one of the FAA's approved test administrators.
Where do I take the Trust Test?
The TRUST test can be taken online through one of the FAA's approved test administrators which are listed on the FAA's website. You can use this FAA website link for access to all of the available Trust Test administrators available. There is NO CHARGE to take the test and, depending on your level of knowledge, could take anywhere from 15-45 minutes to complete.
Do I have to take the drone Trust test in the future to stay current?
Unlike Part 107 pilots, who must take recurrent training every two years to maintain the currency, the TRUST test need only be taken and passed ONCE – there is no need to take the test again once completed.
The caveat to that is, you must retain the certificate that you receive upon completion of the test. This certificate is the only documentation that you will receive showing that you have completed the TRUST test. Neither the test administrator nor the FAA will maintain personally identifiable information about the recreational flyer so it is not possible to re-print or re-issue your original certificate.
Why is it important to take and pass the drone Trust test?
The FAA and/or law enforcement can now ask recreational pilots to provide documentation showing that they have completed the TRUST test. The certificate received after completion of the test is the ONLY documentation that you have to prove that you have taken the test and are legal to fly as a recreational pilot.
How soon does the Trust test go into effect?
It is already in effect and has been since June 2021!
So, if you are a recreational pilot and have not yet completed the TRUST test you should do so before your next flight in order to be legal, as flying without the TRUST certificate of completion could get you into trouble.
I am sure a lot of people may think: what is the likelihood of that? Or, who is going to catch me – no one will know where I am flying, etc. One thing to think about is if an accident would occur with your drone or if you are caught flying in an area that you shouldn't be – especially if specifically mentioned in the TRUST test, there could be greater consequences for your actions when it is found that you haven't completed the required testing for recreational pilots. I know the chances of that may be slim, but when you consider how easy the FAA has made it to complete the (now mandatory) testing, there really shouldn't be any excuses to not take it.
Can I fly drones commercially after passing the Trust test?
Just so there is no confusion, as mentioned earlier, passing the TRUST test DOES NOT allow you to fly for commercial purposes – it is strictly for pilots wishing to fly their drone solely for recreational purposes, or 'for fun.' If you would like to become a commercial operator you will need to pass the FAA Part 107 knowledge test, which covers the topics included in the TRUST test along with many others much more in-depth – similar to what a private pilot knowledge exam would look like! You can learn more details in our Drone Pilot License blog post.
If you are a recreational drone pilot, you are now equipped with the knowledge of what you need to do. Good luck and happy flying!
The Anatomy of the Drone Service Providers (DSP) Market
The Good – drones bring value and opportunities
Drone technology can bring a lot of value to businesses: innovative and cost-effective ways to complete tasks that were performed by humans that took a lot longer, potentially dangerous, and more expensive to accomplish (ex. inspections of hard to reach places, surveying, substitute for old/expensive solutions for aerial filming/photography, having ‘eyes in the sky’ for documenting work, etc.).
Several industries realized the value right away and have fully embraced this solution, spurring a flurry of DSP (drone service providers) entrepreneurs and startups to provide these services. And as drones get solid traction and more use cases with many industries, the drone industry is projected to grow to $43 Billion by 2024, according to COMPTIA report, with a compound growth rate (CAGR) of 20.5%, greatly outpacing growth rates of many industries, including IT. So with such an opportunity, the Drone Service Provider (DSP) market is growing rapidly.
In short, drones are bringing a lot of growth opportunities and economic value for enterprises and entrepreneurs. But, because the industry is so new, regulations and standards (FAA, industry, state and federal, etc.) are largely still developing and changing rapidly, as are enterprise use cases, it can be hard to understand the landscape of the drone service providers (DSPs) if you are a business owner or a manager looking to hire them.
The Bad - Hiring a drone company or a pilot is like gambling
Let’s imagine this scenario: you are a business owner or a manager in construction, engineering, video production, marketing, etc. (in short, any industry that could use drones) and decided you want to hire a drone pilot to do a job for you. This job could be anything from flying a drone to document the progress of a construction site or proof of work, inspect an oil rig, showcase commercial real estate, shoot aerials for a video you are making, etc.
Finding someone you can trust your project to can be a challenge unless you have a vetted and proven drone company/pilot you employ or you have contracted with before. Most likely you will do a web search for a drone pilot or a specific drone service you are looking for, and then you will get numerous paid ads and search results offering those services.
And here is what you need to know about the drone services providers (DSP) market in the United States: the market is very new and fragmented, and it can be hard to navigate. There are only a handful of national enterprises that operate in this industry, the rest are either small regional and niche companies specializing in a certain service or industry (ex. oil, gas, AEC industries, aerial cinematography/video, real estate etc.), entrepreneurs (aka drone pilots that can cover several industries), or ‘uber for drone pilots’ drone pilot network platforms (such as Drone Base, Drone Hive, Drone Up, etc.). These companies all need qualified drone pilots operating for them in the specific location required by clients to complete the task, regardless of the industry.
Some of these companies grew out of drone pilots starting their own companies (so they are operated by them), but many grew out of a recognized market opportunity, so they need to find pilots to fly for them. This isn’t easy to do, as finding a good pilot is like looking for a needle in a haystack of people self-proclaiming as qualified drone pilots.
The truth is, it is easy to get into the industry and call yourself a drone pilot or a drone services provider company. Commercial drones are within reach to purchase for under $2K nowadays. Anyone who wants to invest their time and some grit can study, pass and receive an FAA Part 107 commercial drone operator certificate, and put up a website to advertise their services. And voila, they have a drone services business presence that makes it look like they are legit!
In reality, this may be a company that doesn't have their own pilots, or is operated by a self-proclaimed pilot that has hardly flown before, who may not have a commercial drone pilot license, or insurance, and very possibly has never done the type of job you want to have completed. See our blog post Things to Consider Before Hiring A Drone Pilot for more details on this topic.
So, you are really gambling as you are trying to find someone you can trust in your specific location to do the job you require – the market of drone services providers is still new and is a bit like the Wild West right now.
Some companies out there (especially national companies serving oil/gas, telecom, and energy markets) are starting to employ and train their own drone pilots. These industries require specialized skills and services performed at a regular cadence. It is also easier to ensure that their customers will get quality service consistently when hiring and investing in proper pilot training. These companies train pilots to fly proficiently and execute specific tasks they require (video/photo, aerial inspections, surveying, and photogrammetry).
However, most companies do not employ their own pilots, so when you submit a request for your service through a drone pilot network company that doesn’t employ their own pilots, you will be dealing with a ‘middleman’ company that will connect you with a drone pilot, whether from their existing contacts in the area (someone they’ve hired before for another client) or from another area that will have to travel to your location (and therefore charging more, most likely). And if the job at hand is rather simple, not requiring specialized skills in flying, shooting high-quality video/photo, or gathering data in a specific way, it may be an effective solution for you.
But you should be aware that many of these drone pilot network companies do not vet their subcontractors properly, and in many cases, these pilots get paid low wages (the middleman takes a cut, of course). You will not get the best-qualified pilots to perform your task and will most likely have limited direct communication with them to prevent those pilots from acquiring you as their own client.
And while this business model of drone pilot network serves well as a marketplace to connect clients with pilots, these pilots may not be highly skilled and use the middleman service to gain proficiency (using this as paid training) before branching out on their own or being employed as drone pilots full-time for a company that has its own drone program.
The Ugly - You Take on Risks
So, if you have contracted with a company that doesn’t employ its own pilots or doesn’t vet them properly, what are the risks?
Here are the top 4:
1) Fines. If you have hired a drone pilot who doesn’t hold an FAA Part 107 license or is operating outside of the FAA Part 107 guidelines (including not registering drones, flying without additional airspace authorizations when required, etc.), you are opening your company to potential FAA fines.
Recently the FAA fined a drone pilot $182K for repeated violations, as detailed in this Forbes article. While this may be an extreme example, you don’t want to get in ‘hot water’ with FAA or local law enforcement, let alone get your business dragged through the bad PR a drone incident could generate. Drones are still a new and sometimes controversial technology, so drone incidents tend to make TV, front page, and social media news.
2) Damage liability. If you don't ensure that the drone pilot you hire has drone business insurance or puts your company as an 'additional insured' as an additional way to defer potential liability away from the client, there is always a potential that your company may be liable if something goes wrong. Drones do crash, can cause property damage and personal injury, and that cause could be anything from weather-related, technology failure, or pilot error, regardless of their skill and qualifications.
3) Wasted resources (time and $). If you don’t have a way to communicate your requirements to the pilot directly, or don’t know their experience with the type of job and data output you require, that money you just spent may have been wasted – you may not get the output you need, or the quality of the output may not be up to your standards.
4) Reputation. If you are the business owner and the drone pilot you hired didn’t work out in some way, you will learn your lesson and move on. But, if you are a manager within a company that oversees outsourcing these jobs, your career and reputation in the company and industry may be at stake.
To sum up, if you want to hire a drone pilot consider coming up with requirements to vet them, and/or ensure that the companies you hire vet the pilots according to your specifications. These requirements should include the basics and go beyond them, especially if you have a complex technical deliverable that will need to integrate into your workflows or you expect video of certain quality and professional photography output.
V1DroneMedia is owned and operated by its Chief Pilot Jason Damman, a professional airline turned drone pilot, with 25+ years’ experience in remote-controlled aviation, 20+ years in commercial airlines, and 5+ years in commercial drone operations. Jason is a drone and aviation practitioner and educator, performing complex drone jobs in various industries (see our Portfolio and YouTube channel for examples of our work), and is also a certified flight instructor, including training drone pilots.
Contact us for a consultation today. V1DroneMedia can help you complete a drone job, train your pilots, or help you to set up a drone operation of your own!